Portola Pass


Indispesable point to reach Zerbion, Portola Pass is located at 2410 meters of altitude. Why dedicating so much space at a simple pass between two valleys? Simple: first of all, for a accurate specification. During the years, the path just under the pass – for about twenty meters as the crow flies , not more – got worse and worse, because of the strong erosion operated by natural elements such as wind or poor weather condition.

Well, you have to pay attention while crossing these few meters, mostly when the path is steep, or humid. Vegetation doesn’t offer any help, because it’s represented only by short juniper bushes: there’ve already been some fatal falls, which took as a consequence maintenance works, with the appearing of steps carved in the rock. There are not remarkable dangers, if you think at what you’re doing; seems natural to help themselves with a mountain racket, or a normal stick. After these notes, from which you don’t have to be frightened, there’s still to describe the peculiar pass’ position: once you’ve overtaken the aforesaid part, you’ll find yourself in a kind of wind tunnel. Anyway, Portola is a really remarkable step: as you can see in the picture, everybody can do that, you just need resolution, a little common sense, and caution!


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